A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Thursday, February 5


Today, while I was at Walgreen's I received two hair compliments. I've been feeling pretty toadfaced lately so it's nice to know that at least my hair looks okay to some people.

A classmate told me today that it was like I perpetually had a black light shining on my face because of how vibrant my purple streak is.

Guess what my new love is. I'll just tell you. Anagrams. <3

I always forget that listening to music makes me feel better. I was just feeling so shitty and low self-esteemy. I started up my favorite playlist and immediately I feel better. Like, of course I want to be your sidekick.

Dr. J hates our GD His class so much that he's cancelling a full week of class. Okay only part of that sentence is true. Probably. I think he said he has a conference to go to. I will get to leave Jville at 4:30 on monday and tuesday next week yayyyyy. I think that also means I won't have class on friday. Unless he is going to hurry back to Jville for a friday class. Doubtful. We're supposed to use our time off to study, but I might instead use that time to re-watch MMFD. I could multitask.

The few episodes I've actually been able to watch, I have fully enjoyed this season of Parks & Rec, The Mindy Project, Agent Carter & Man Seeking Woman. In the William Henry Harrison episode of Parks and Rec, Ron Swanson said my name at least 2 times! They spelled Annabelle weird, but it's pronounced the same so it's okay. My name is still uncommon enough that it doesn't get said in pop culture that often. It's neat when I hear it. Even though the name Annabelle is almost never associated with a funny, sexy, awesome person. It's a cow, or a demonic doll, or a evil, hateful person. So if I were a blaming person, I'd have to blame my mom for naming me Annabelle and therefore turning me into a troll.

I'm just generally in a terrible mood. I want everybody to go away, but I also want a hug.

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