A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Sunday, February 1


This semester, my professors and classmates have connected everywhere on the internet. I wonder if I should remove my blog link from my pinterest and other places where I have it displayed. I am concerned that it will be looked at by my professors or a classmate or more importantly, somebody I have a crush on. Okay there's a slim chance that anyone will click on the link, but there's not zero chance. I don't know. On the one hand, I am embarrassed. On the other, I am totally unconcerned.

Remember when I talked about how Dr. J finds our GD history class boring. Well it's even worse than that. The next day when I was in class, Dr. J got brought up in conversation and I asked my friend who has his class for independent study if he had mentioned how much he hated my class. And he def had talked about it. She said he was appalled(my word, not hers) that we didn't know what parchment, papyrus, or vellum was. And I must defend myself here and say that I do know what it is, but he had asked in class what it was made from. I had no idea that parchment and vellum was made from animal skins! She was telling me that I should speak up if I knew any correct answers because he thinks we're all idiots. And the sad thing is, I'm one of the 3-4 people that speaks and one of the 2 that speaks regularly. I talk all the fucking time. When I don't say anything is when I'm trying to let somebody else take the reins, or if I am totally clueless and don't feel like making an ass out of myself. Most of the time, though, I don't even really care about that and I'll still talk, even if I'm wrong. I was telling P and M about how miserable that class is now and P was like, who cares if anybody speaks; he's getting paid to lecture. M told me I should ask my classmates why they aren't saying anything and try to convince them to help me out. Uh god I just remembered I have 1000 pages to read for that class before monday. Shit.

On Friday, P and I visited our new office, the building where the cutest person ever also works. I am always so delighted when we go over there and he comes to hang out with us while we're talking about what decorations we still need in the new office. And so far every time I've been over there, he has sought us out. Which I am sure has nothing to do with me in particular, but wouldn't that be sweet if it did. We were joking about what we should put on the bookshelves and the guy who works in the office next to us pulled out this book that someone he knew had written. The fact that it was published is bonkers. I mean, I know I mess up grammar and use slang most of the time on this blog, but I am doing that to make myself laugh and also because I like the way it looks. I was told this dude was being serious though. He comma spliced hardcore. Handsome coworker volunteered to read us a passage and before this point, I thought, how could he possibly get any cuter, and then he did.
Sometime in when all of us were standing around talking, Handsome coworker looks at me and says, "I like your shirt." At least, I think that's what he said. I said thank you, which felt like a lame response and I wish I had said, 'I like your face' instead. At the time, I remembered that M had given me advice in a situation like this, but I could not remember what the advice was. By the time I remembered, too much time had elapsed. Plus I chickened out because there were two other people standing between us and they would be witness to what would probably be a hugely embarrassing situation thanks to me.

Okay. Until next time.

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