A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Tuesday, March 27

Root Canal

The thing I love about having a different spring break than the rest of my friends is I don't have to wear pants.
I pretty much hate everything else about it. I miss my friends. I did get to see Rosh on Saturday, which was AWESOME & I should be hanging out with MS tonight.
Had to get a root canal & it wasn't bad at all. Went to a different dentist than I normally do because our insurance has changed since the last time I went to the dentist. This new guy was really nice.
Probably the best dentist I've been to. Funny, smart, handsome.
The whole right side of my face is numb though.

Interviewer: What piece of advice would you give to Stephen Fry, aged 10.
Stephen Fry:  You’re not alone. Everything you feel is fine. Only feel guilty about things you have done that are mean and cheap and unkind. Don’t feel guilty about what you feel, no matter what the world might think. Everyone is scared inside, not just you. That’s why reading is so good. Keep doing it. Writers are people brave enough to make you feel better about being human because they’re not afraid to reveal their own frailties, weaknesses, desires, failures, and appetites.

Tuesday, March 20

In other news,

Here's a photo of a cute boy and the eiffel tower

march madness

I'm glad that I'm still young. I know that people younger than me have children all the time, but I can't imagine having a child. I haven't even lived & experienced the world so how could I teach my child, if I magically had one tomorrow? How do you explain death to a child? When they ask about what happens after we die, how do you tell them that you don't know? That there is nobody on this earth that definitely knows? We had the most depressing discussion ever in CS today. Now I'm all "life sucks & then you die." So yay!
Also, it doesn't help that March has totally sucked so far. 
My uncle D didn't recover from brain surgery. He passed away on the 12th. It was all too sudden.
I have to get a root canal on tuesday. Toothache was probably the worst pain of my life, but now I'm better because I have a nice pain killers.

Wednesday, March 14

Sunday, March 11

Talking during the movies

"I’m saying these nice things about her because I also want to tell you guys that because she is such an outgoing person who is never short on conversation, she talks during movies. A lot. I used to get snappy with her (in a friend way!) but I’ve since learned to deal with it. As much as I don’t enjoy talkers during movies, there is nothing worse than a friend-shusher. It’s not my place to shush. We have a good system going now. She talks, and I nod or shake my head while rarely taking my eyes off the screen. We’ve made it work."
--why do i have a blog

That blogger is probably one of my very favorites. Sometimes I'll read a post & I'll be like holy fuck she is in my head thinking my thoughts.This post about her friend talking during the movies is one of those. Except I'm the person that talks during the movies and I have some shusher friends that should just deal with my talking.

Thursday, March 8

Can this be a thing?

I want to be a professional listener. Not like listening to somebody's problems & then I'm supposed to fix them... no. I want to watch TED Talks and youtube videos and travel around the world to watch impressive people give impressive speeches. I want to sit in on classes of teachers that I really like & just listen to their lectures.

Wednesday, March 7

Well nothing's perfect

I don't know.
So this Kony 2012 video has gone viral. So many strong emotions. I have also read an article from John Green, who/m I respect very much, about how Invisible Children, inc. may not be the greatest charity ever.
I think it's important in ANY situation to have all of the information so that you can make a decision based on what matters to you.
The media is really important in today's society. That sucks, but it's hard to deny that is the case. The movie really expressed that point, but at the same time, it made me feel like I wasn't intelligent enough to know about this situation and it kind of played on that feeling.
I totally see where John Green is coming from. He wanted to make it known that has believed for a very long time that the LRA is horrible.
I don't necessarily agree with the plan of the Invisible Children, inc., but I also don't have a better plan. I think that Joseph Kony should be stopped & that's all I know. I hope that if others don't agree with the IC inc. plan, maybe a person will step forward and have a better solution. The problem before was that not enough people even knew what was happening. With all of today's technology, the world is so much smaller and it's amazing to think that people don't even know who Kony is. What I'm hoping is that since more people are finding out about this situation, someone who didn't know before might have a better solution to the problem. I mean, I was definitely ignorant about this. I wasn't even born in the 80s when Kony started, I didn't/still don't pay attention to the news, and I probably would never have heard of Kony unless somebody told me about it. The people that told me about it just so happen to be IC, inc.
"Taking Kony 2012 Down A Notch"
Another interesting article about Uganda
strombo.com speaks about kony2012

I haven't had time to read this one, but it looks interesting
Also didn't have time to read this one
To read

Alan Hanson speaks truth
  I totally agree with this:
"Just use critical thinking. Look at every angle. I wouldn’t buy a KONY 2012 OBEY KIT or whatever. But I sure as fuck am not gonna look down my nose at you for calling your senator or posting a KONY 2012 image on your blog or livejournal or locker."

I don't know.

In other news, Charles Trippy has a funny haircut now :)

Monday, March 5

Sunday, March 4


He was a gambler.

I'm having a hard time getting into the mindset of programming this weekend. I want to finish these 2 programs so badly, but I have a hard time naming the stupid variables. I keep wanting to name them Thing1, Thing2, Thing3, etc. Which is completely not what they should be named. I wonder how long it took Dr. G to be able to write code from memory. Because it seems like it would take FOREVER. I've been trying for 3 months to remember code & all I can remember is modulus. Referencing constantly is such a pain in the ass. MJ makes fun of me all the time because I want to just know things. I don't want to have to practice it & practice it before I can know it. That's why I like trivia so much, I think. You can't practice trivia. You either know it or you don't. I mean, I guess there could be some practicing involved like with flash cards or whatever, but all the people I know who are good at trivia, don't look at flashcards. They just know the fact because they heard it somewhere at some place and it stuck in their head. Why didn't "God" give me a photogenic memory? I would put it to such good use. I wouldn't even be snooty about having one either, I would be totally humble about it.

Saturday, March 3

Oh something funny

So my MS 112 professor is kinda dorky. He's the same dude I had last year & I drew an astonishing resemblance of him in a note [See here]. He is so dorky. Anyway, in class he was on example number 8 & he asked if anybody knew another word for 8. This girl in the front row asked her friend that she was sitting next to (very loudly, I could hear her perfectly & I sit in the back) if he knew what 8 in French was. He said "two cubed"


May the odds be ever in your favor

Things I like:
e.e. cummings
Draw Something App
Staying up late
Most "famous" people
Looking at art
Learning interesting things
The internet
Madison, AL

Things I don't like:
Being bossed around
Getting up early
Arguing about religion & politics
Rural cities that don't have a Target &/or a Publix

Now, how do I use these things to discover my dream job.

Thursday, March 1


I just posted that post yesterday to verify that I was alive on Leap Day 2010 2012 holy typos, Batman!