A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Saturday, September 24

While dyeing my hair...

Doctor Who day! *Spoilers
I found it on tumblr. It says knitting!
I haven't actually watched the episode yet because my grandparents are hogging the TV, but also because I'm in the middle of dyeing my hair. It's called Moonlit Tortoise. It's brown. Medium brown to be exact. My roots are really gray and I just needed a touch up. I got it all over my forehead and it reminds me of that scene in Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star when he dyes his hair brown and he gets it on his forehead. Cool story, bro. I know.

I pretty much collect everything since I'm like one step below being a full blown hoarder, but something that I actually collect is postcards. Not blank ones, but ones that people have sent me. I do this website postcrossing.com & you just put your address in & then it randomly selects an address for you to send a postcard. It's cool. I also get a postcard from an actual friend every once in a while. I don't necessarily consider that collecting, but I'm not just going to throw them away. That's mean.

Martha Jones. She really annoyed me. I did feel bad that she fell in love with the doctor, but she shoulda known to not do that.

Day 6: What is your favorite piece that you’ve knit?  
The two Jayne Cobb hats. One for my mom & one for my bro.

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