A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Tuesday, June 19

I can tell when I'm extra emotional

Because I always get a whopping zit on my chin. Or my forehead. Or my cheek. This time's my chin though.

I just ugly cried to this video.

The funniest thing happened tonight. MJ & I went out to eat with one of her friends (he is actually one of my friends too) & after we had finished our dinner, we all went to our cars. He drives a little neon now & he had unlocked his car with his key then we just stood around & said our goodbyes for a few minutes. MJ & I go to get in my car because we're going to go to yogurttime. We get in & rave about how much we like the guy & then Melissa turns to look out the window at him, she busts out laughing. He had gotten into his car and was looking around for his key to start the ignition. It was still in his door!!!

"You've been on cloud 9 for so long, but it can't always be so sweet & sometimes you need to realize that ... Face the facts of life and know that this is just a lesson of life."
I learn this simple fact over and over again.

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