A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Monday, September 29

Stating the facts

Today when I was at lunch with K, a really really really REALLY cute boy walked by us and smiled so big and said, "Hey, I like your hair." I hope he was talking to me because I said thank you. He made eye contact with me so I just have to think that he was directing that at me. I was right in the middle of telling a story to K and when he spoke, I was totally dumbfounded and could not remember what I was saying. I was thinking he was doing that thing you see in movies where a guy is nice to the ugly, fat friend to get in good graces with the pretty girl (K). Like, that was my gut instinct. It's not that deep; I know it. He simply liked my purple streak and wanted to say something. That's it. K was like, "if it's meant to be, it will be." Like she is some kind of fortune teller, haha. I promise I will never see that person ever again. But I can't help thinking about it over and over.
K and I went up to my office area and told P and M about that little interaction. M is pretty much the most clever and witty person alive and said that I should've responded,
"Hey, I like your face."
I MEAN COME ON how perfect. I would have never thought of that, but I love it.
I'm too boy crazy. It's not cool to be this way. I'm too much. I'm too eager to be loved by a normal cute boy that doesn't ask me for nudes and will hold my hand in public and kiss my cheek and has dreams and goals and also has great shoes. K was trying to give me some tips at lunch today, but I'm probably hopeless.

I had a dream about this youtuber last night.
We were dating and he came over to my house in Madison, and we went to my room, but it wasn't really my room. It was like a version of my room. It was messy and empty at the same time, I was rushing around my room and I was making my bed and I had these gray bed sheets(that I don't actually have in real life) and he wanted to watch spiderman 2, but I had lied about owning it. Then I woke up.

Maybe I'll be less superficial at some point, but this is my life now.

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