A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Saturday, May 2

It's been a dull week

3 things I loved this week:

  1. I live for comparing/contrasting. This is a good article: the best sriracha

  2. The Mythical Kitchen has really been putting out some gems lately. I read recently that you shouldn't take advice from the experts because they can transform things that you wouldn't be able to do yourself because they're experts, but you should take advice from regular people because then you know what common mistakes are and how to avoid them. That's exactly what the crew from Mythical Kitchen have going for them. They're very relatable. I made 'eggs in purgatory' from this video. It's so good. It combines so many flavors that I love.

  3. I watched Frank and Ollie because B/C have disney+ on the downstairs tv. I don't have access to it otherwise, and I don't really have any desire to because then it's like a little treat when I sit down to check out what's on there. I wanted to watch something while I was eating and I had never heard of Frank or Ollie and the little blurb was interesting. I discovered such a beautiful backstory on most of my most beloved animated movies. Frank Thomas reminds me of a California version of my Papaw.

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