A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Friday, March 13

Believe in your fucking self

I've just brushed my teeth, flossed, mouthwashed, washed my face, took contacts out, moisturized my face, and cleaned (a tiny part of) my room. I would feel really accomplished about all this, but I've not even started on my typography homework, which is what I should be spending all of my time on. I'm not avoiding it because I hate it; it's because I love it and I know I'll spend too much time on it and it will still look like poop. I am still in that artist's stage in life where everything you try really hard at still sucks AND IT'S REALLY BUMMING ME OUT. I know that this is probably normal and I just have to trudge through to get to a point where I can make something and it looks okay. I'm aware of this and yet it still makes me want to quit.

Back to when I mentioned brushing my teeth and stuff. This probably doesn't seem like any kind of accomplishment to an outsider looking in. This is normal nightly routine stuff. But I am a disgusting shell of a person that previously did not have a nightly routine. I used to just skip all that crap and go to bed. I recently went to the dentist and was told that I have 4 cavities in 2 of my front teeth. They are not huge, in fact they are minuscule, but they apparently will not disappear with vigorous hygiene. I have to get them filled. I didn't think I was that upset about it, but it's obviously something that's been bothering me because I can not stop thinking about it. Like I don't care if they are a little visible, but I don't want them to be super visible because I tend to smile a lot and that could really lessen the effect of my smile. So now I'm trying to be a human adult that flosses and brushes teeth twice a day, so that I don't have any more infractions.
Since I'm already in the bathroom when I'm doing the teeth thing, I figured I should get my face sorted out while I'm in there as well. My face is a mess right now. It's never really been clear since I was 15, but there's been times where it's been less spotty. And really it may have to to with the fact that I just started my period and my hormones are like HAHAHAHAHA I HATE YOU HERE'S SOME PIMPLES. I think this has a lot to do with it because I got pimply about this same time 4 weeks ago and my brother was like, Ew what's up with your face. I remember telling him it was probably just my period and he ran away screaming. By the way, that whole water thing that I said I was going to try is not making any noticeable change in my complexion. My face wash routine is in it's infancy at the moment, meaning that I can't put water on my face without it dripping down my elbows and getting it all over the counter and I can't figure out the right amount of moisturizer to pump because I'm always left with a goopy face and a blob of unused left on my finger. I'm hoping that with time the process will age to perfection like a well-loved book or something else that's old and perfect.

In other news, I still can't find my fucking exacto knife.


  1. you're still developing your craft! have faith. :*

    bahhh, I hate the period pimples. I never floss & only wash my face at night if I was wearing makeup that day (as in foundation/powder) or if I shower. nightly routines seem so simply, but you just want to say screw it & get in bed. it can be a struggle. :P

    1. Struggles.

      I'm totally glad you revealed this to me because I totally thought you had a set in stone nightly routine! I feel very relieved. I somehow forget that things are not always how they seem. Like I have it stuck in my head that everybody lives in this fairy tale world except for me, the one person just can't seem to get it together. It's not as bleak as that though, and that is reassuring.
