A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Wednesday, March 11

business casual

(Moderately) Important Things I've Learned:
Pronounce W's as V's when referring to artists and composers
Be nice
Bluetooth headphones are the greatest invention
Printers are not actually evil
The amount of time given is how much time will be used
Loose lips sink ships
I can handle anything; even poorly handled is still handled
Sleep is to be cherished for it does not come around often enough
InDesign is lame compared to Illustrator, but comparisons shouldn't be made
You will get better at any software that you use everyday, even if you don't try to get better
Deadlines are an unfortunate necessity for me to complete anything
If I do not have a deadline, I will not complete the thing
Although, sometimes even if I do have a deadline, I don't complete the thing so there's no solution
Sometimes I suck at life
Remember to not be discouraged
It's heartbreaking to become close-ish with someone who is moving away soon
I am terrible at bullshitting on the spot
Mincing garlic by hand is not that worth the everlasting fingertip stench
Bye Felicia

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