A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Tuesday, August 12

summertime sadness

I grew up with him. I laughed at his jokes and he taught me all my best jokes. I have watched at least one of his movies every year since I can remember being alive. He seemed to play serious and witty and kind and never mean-hearted characters. Characters that were role models. Not perfect, but undeniably good.

I love what John Green had to say, "One never knows the interior of someone else's life..." And it makes me wonder if people weren't the way that they are (people almost never say I love you to people they don't have a romantic relationship with, myself included.) and they showed this outpouring of love before he committed suicide, like they are now, would he still have done it. That just shows you how much I know about depression I guess. And how little we really know about other people's lives.
Death sucks. It's something that is so inevitable and so common; I feel like it shouldn't be a big deal, but it's always a big deal. It rips and shreds and crushes and leaves everybody ruined in its wake.

Genie, I'm gonna miss you.

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