A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Monday, April 28

I don't know

So here's why Chris Pratt is the perfect dude:
Or maybe the perfect dude for me? He posted this on instagram the other day of, I'm assuming, his wife's hair that he himself french braided. I don't know if I've told anybody else this, but I know I've told my mom about 100 times that all I want is a straight dude that knows how to french braid. Not to mention Chris Pratt is hilarious and an incredible actor and probably a super cool dad to his adorable son. I hope he is genuinely great in real life. And I hope he and Anna Faris are genuinely happy.

I know the old stand by is to say that you shouldn't think about getting a boyfriend because that's what's hindering you from getting one and if you'll forget about it, it'll happen.
Well I partially believe that, but I also believe there are probably other way more significant reasons why I don't have a boyfriend. And also the idea that it'll happen without me seeing it coming really gives me anxiety so I'll just keep thinking about potential boyfriends.

In my head, this is the perfect dude for me:

  • French braids.
  • Can cook well. Does not have to be classically trained.
  • Dark hair and dark eyes. (Because I'm shallow and care about looks kinda.)
  • Other than American accent. (Maybe a British man that signs his texts with a cute little 'xx'. Because they do that over there and it makes me swoon.)
  • Total geek about some things that I'm a total geek about.
  • Reads my blog. (And isn't embarrassed.)
  • Not intimidated by me. (Apparently that is a thing I can be/ because I am big and tall.)
  • Good-natured and jovial most of the time.
  • Has eye crinkles on account of being good-natured and jovial most of the time.
  • Likes cats more than dogs.
  • Listens to a good amount of the same music, but some differences to keep it interesting.
  • Will kill the bugs.
  • Loves me enough to get a tattoo dedicated to me. (I would never allow anyone to do that though.)
  • Laughs at my jokes.

I watched Austenland today and the love story was so unbelievable that I loved it. I love when the characters are too good to be true and I love it when one of the characters realizes that their love is too good to be true and the other character tries to convince them that it's not and they're actually perfect for each other and everything will be fine. 
And that's all good and fine in the movies, but like if I met an actual guy in actual real life that fit all of these qualities, I'd probably be like whoa stalker get away from me you read my blog and memorized that stupid post I made what do you want I don't have any money.


  1. "I want this list of things!...but if you accomplish all of this you're creepy and get away from me."

    Truth! And you're awesome.

    xx <-- this is a thing?

    1. What can I say? I can't be easily pleased. :)
      Hey you're more awesome!
      Yes, that is a thing. I'm thinking it's because some Brits do that thing where they air kiss so they include it in text form as well.
      As always, Yahoo answers knows all: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090913084942AAVlRqW
