A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Tuesday, April 15

11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.

  1. when a blog has a music player that automatically begins when you visit the page and then you have to sort through all your tabs to figure out which one is playing the dumb music
  2. saying "I'm bored"
  3. not using a blinker to turn
  4. scrolling through facebook/twitter/instagram on your phone while we're hanging out. I don't care if you answer a text or look at notifications when you get them, that's fine, but if you're just mindlessly scrolling... come on
  5. when the only thing you can do about something is complain, then maybe you shouldn't open your mouth
  6. littering
  7. not getting into the left turn lane until just right before you're going to turn left. GET IN THE TURN LANE ALREADY!
  8. "I could care less" is probably not what you think it means
  9. when someone obviously needs to blow their nose, but they haven't done it in a reasonable amount of time
  10. leaving the lights on in an empty room that you aren't in

Yes, some of these are irrational. Even dumb, some might say. Unfortunately, this is not all of them that I have. This is a very hostile post and I'm sorry. Sometimes little annoyances make me the craziest.

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