A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Sunday, February 5


Just so everybody on the internet knows, I watch more youtube videos than any human should and so because of that, I have to watch those lame ass advertisements. The advertisement on this We Are Scientists video has Elton John as a king that is able to give or deny pepsi products to people & it reminded me of this time at work when this lady was talking to me about how much her husband used to love Elton John until he found out he was (whispers) gay. You know how people do. Whispering like it's something obscene. People are assholes. Elton John is a legend. Why would you not love him because of his sexual orientation that does not affect or harm anyone IN ANY WAY AT ALL. I wish I had the juevos to make my opinions known IRL. I mean if someone asked me my opinions, I'm most likely going to tell the truth. I probably won't voice them by my own accord. I don't like to stir up trouble. I'm just not that kind of person.

I'm beginning to realize that I'm one of those pigheaded people that wants others to do things exactly how I do things. For example, I get so frustrated when I have to show my grandfather how to do something from his email(he uses yahoo) & I want him to just get gmail because it would make my life so much easier.
I'm so selfish.


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