A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Monday, February 27


On my way back to Gadsden, the reality of mortality hit me like a ton of bricks. Me & everybody I know is going to die. Also, Charles Trippy has a brain tumor// :(  (The last guy on  your right)

What is up with all this cancer everywhere? Last year was the first time I really was affected by a cancer diagnosis. My Papaw had esophageal cancer, you know? I obviously had heard of cancer long before that because I haven't been living under a rock, but because I am a selfish, selfish young person that still thinks the world revolves around me, cancer happened to other people. Not me. Not my family. That's not the case anymore, of course. Now it seems like cancer is happening to everyone, everywhere, all at once, constantly, & it is terrifying.
I watched Steve Jobs's famous Stanford graduation speech today because I was on Pinterest, scrolling & scrolling into infinity when I happened across this interesting black & white photo of text that said, "Stay foolish. Stay hungry." I didn't know exactly what that meant so I went to the Google & sought the answers. No matter how you feel about his company & brand, you cannot deny that he can give an inspirational speech.
He says something about living like you're dying & it's just so heartbreaking that he died in the middle of what could've been a very long life.

Further proof that my mother is the smartest, most intelligent person in the universe. She already knew about the missing books of the bible. Yeah. Boom.

"[something reddit blah blah...]are like a gun. You could use it to help yourself, or you'll accidentally blow your face off." -The genius that is, Philip DeFranco   I already told you how much I love him. I am hardcore in love with him.

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