A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Saturday, October 24


I wish I could find somebody to pay(not with money, because I don't have any money) to do my figure drawing assignments for me. It's not that I don't want to do them, I just don't want to spend valuable time on them when I could be finishing something, anything for graphic design.
I feel very overwhelmed by the amount of work I should be producing, but am certainly not producing. I say all this while I'm writing this blog post. Very counter productive. I could be spending this time right now actually working towards completing something. BUT isn't there something to be said for taking some time for yourself to do exactly what you want to do and not what you have to do. I'm trying to make my life better here!

One of my profs told us the other day to be proud of everything that you present to clients. If you're presenting  your work to someone and you're like ugh I hope they don't pick that one, it's the worst one I did, then why the heck did you give them the option to pick the worst one. I really liked the idea of that, but I also understand that sometimes I can only come up with crappy ideas and that's all I got. Sometimes I just hate what I make. Sometimes it surprises me when people enjoy what I make. So I dunno.

My pinterest is full of typography and food, which makes me so happy.

Currently, I'm doing a brain dump and writing down everything that is on my to do list and things that I just want to do. I'm trying to organize my life hour by hour so that hopefully I can be ahead of everything instead of way behind like I currently am. I feel doubtful that I will know how to pick times accurately, but I'll have to try. I cannot continue to pull all-nighters multiple times a week. From what I understand about life as a designer, I won't be able to cut them out completely. I just want to sleep. I love sleep. It's one of my favorite parts of the day.

The cool and also terrifying thing about life is that you can sleep for an entire day and life will still continue. You can work harder than you've ever worked in your life and the world will continue on. I'm having one of those mid semester crisises where I don't know what I'm doing or why I'm bothering to be so stressed out about it. I am stressed though. So so stressed.

The movie Snowpiercer fucked me up.

Here's a thing that happened. In one of my assignments from class, we had to submit the design to cottonbureau.com at the deadline as a part of the assignment. And my design got picked! It's very cool and exciting, but the shirts are really expensive. Also, I feel like they really make designers do a lot, but maybe their shirts are really high quality. But 13 people spent $33 because they love me very much. And that feels pretty okay.

knit or die 4ever

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