A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Sunday, April 5

3 things I totally endorse this week

Even though I make a laughable(as in, 'ha ha that number is so small') amount of money at my part-time job, I still purchase lots of frivolous things. I really don't have that much that I have to pay for and I don't save any (I know I should, shut up) so I just spend it on stuff I want. Sometimes it's a waste, but sometimes not. Here's a list of things that are completely worthy of foolish spending.

1. I may have a water bottle infatuation.
I talked about a glass bottle in this post that I got and I'll give you an updated review. It's still very pretty. It's still very hefty. The fact that it's so tall and skinny makes it very precarious and easy to tip over. I rarely use it now. The rubber near where the lip of the bottle is smells very mildew-y. I know that there's no mildew there because I've washed it so many times. I think that the water here in Alabama just has a weird smell when it lingers on an item for any amount of time and I've just always associated that with mildew. I can't stand it. I have such an aversion to that smell. So now I've stopped using that water bottle. I hate to say this, but this happens to a lot of my water bottles. I feel like they're not clean or they start smelling weird and I have to stop using them. But I love them so much so I keep searching for the perfect one.
Recently, I gave into my desires and bought a water bottle from target. Target is pretty much where I spend all of my paychecks. They just sell the things that have the look that I want to surround myself with. So they had a bazillion water bottles, presumably because it's spring and I guess spring means drink more water from portable receptacles? Sure. I looked at every single one and picked out my favorite. It looks like this...
It's from a company called contigo. I love that it's 'with you' in Spanish. It opens up in two places so it's hella easy to clean. And there's no rubber near the drinking part so hopefully it won't smell. It's short and fat and cute. Just so's you know, they have way better colors in target than contigo has on their website. I was debating between this color and another color called 'watermelon' because girl, I love me some colors that are also names of food. I ultimately picked this one because it's turquoise and a couple weeks ago a friend of mine said the word turquoise and pronounced it "turkwoise" and it cracked me up. The little loop on the top is cool. I didn't realize until weeks after I had bought it that it's not perfectly straight. I looked at it one day and was like, shit I bent it, but then I was like, wait. It's really supposed to be like that. It's very ergonomic. As of right now, A+.

2. Sunglasses. 
I love cheap sunglasses. I've never seen the appeal of paying $200 for a pair when you can get a really cool pair for less than $20. I guess you might also be paying for legitimate eye protection when you pay that much, but come on, who cares. So I had seen these sunglasses on a fashion blog and I have had them in my amazon wishlist for a month or two. 
I love the gruesome nature of the seemingly innocent phrase we used to say as children. And it really calls attention to the gruesomeness when the phrase is so close to the eyeball. I love it. I love them. I'm so scared I'll lose them so I might buy a few more pairs in all of the colors available

My lovely cousin lives in Colorado and I have talked about visiting her ever since she moved out there. You know how I am though, I hate doing things by myself. At least, I hate doing new things by myself. It makes me very anxious and I hate it. I just need someone there to give me confidence and I'm fine. I decided Rosh needed to be the person to come with me because I love her and we love Kaia and basically, it just all makes sense. We have been talking about it forever. We always do that, because I think that's just what friends do. You talk about doing something over and over and sometimes it never actually happens. BUT THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN. We have the plane tickets. Only 23 more days! I have already began packing. Right when Rosh messaged me and told me that she was free, and asked if I was free, and suggested that we make a trip, I bought these cute little contact solutions. 
We had not even confirmed with Kaia if we could stay or not at that point, but that might tell you how excited I am. I AM SO EXCITED. I think it's silly to have a restriction on liquids on planes, but I love the excuse to have these tiny little things! I bought two different brands because I couldn't remember which one was my regular brand that I use. I figured they were probably both okay and that I probably picked one that is the one I usually use. (I was correct; I usually use the one on the right.) I couldn't remember because I don't buy it that often since it comes in, like, gallon jug size in a twin pack. Anyway, cute, right?


  1. perfect because I use the solution on the left. :) yay, can't wait! I have a countdown on my phone. :P

    1. Aw, how cute and nice of me to get the solution that you use! haha <3
