A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Thursday, December 1

alcohol dirty malls pensacola florida bars

Two finals on monday. Back to back. Not even worried. I should be, but you know how I do.
"Trojans in my head"
It's really hot in my car & it's super cold outside. Quiero una siesta màs que ir a mi empleo. Pretty sure I aced my spanish class. I wish Sr. Pacheco was teaching 102 next semester.
School blows. Also, walking up stairs blows.
These are the most brutal stairs I've ever climbed.

My jefe brought me a jesus book to read. I'll read anything. Or I should say, I'll try to read anything. It's pretty weird so far. All about how women are brought up to believe in fairytales because "god created us that way", but as adults, guys aren't good at romance. Well known concept, but there's an added twist. The book wants females to love god because he is supposedly the only one that will be your prince charming. Which is so creepy to me.  Also it talks a lot about women are guilty all the time for being not enough or too much. I relate to that. The feelings of being not nice enough or strong enough or skinny enough, but also feeling too emotional and too sensitive. Then they tie it into jesus & it loses me.
I wonder all the time if I should tell my jefe that I'm just not really into religion or should I just suck it up & go to their church. She probably talks to me about it at least 3 days a week & all I do is just sit there nodding my head. When, in reality, I have no idea what she's talking about nor do I want to know.
So I'm probably going to hell.

Boom. Blogged.

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