A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Thursday, July 17


The drive up to PA was sooooo long, but not unbearable.

I find it very funny how little has changed with Calub's parents. They may have gotten a little louder, but they were pretty loud before. Calub's mom calls Calub's dad "babes" and it's really cute.

Calub has been so good to put up with doing all of the things that I've wanted to do this week. We spent a lot of time in the art section of the Carnegie Museum and also a lot of time in the Andy Warhol museum, which I adored and Calub visibly did not adore those places. I also had the idea to visit the Pennsylvania Amish and it was underwhelming, not the Amish, but I think we went during a slow part of the year. I did get a bag of delicious whiskey pretzels from a winery out in Volant, Pa that made the day trip all worth it.

We've also spent a lot of time this week walking up and down city streets. Because Calub's really nice, we went in all of the shops I wanted to. So that means we went in all the candy shops and all the kitchen stores. This one candy shop we went to called Grandpa Joe's on the strip gets an A+ from me because it had all of the candy. I found it very overwhelming to decide so I settled on a jawbreaker from there.

Calub, his parents and I went to this place that over looks the city and I keep forgetting what it's called. I keep wanting to call it Mount Overlook, but I know that's not right. It had a breathtaking view up there.
Pictures can't do it justice.

Yesterday, I got a tattoo! One of Calub's family members knew a guy that he liked to get tattoos from so I figured, what the heck. Might as well commemorate my trip with a tattoo. I liked the tattoo artist a lot actually. He was really gentle and everything, albeit a little crooked on the line work. I'll keep you updated on whether or not my leg falls off.
Side note: I had to wear pajamas to the tattoo shop because I didn't bring any shorts or sweatpants.

Today, Calub is staying at a family member's house and I've spent the evening with his parents. You might think this strange, but really it was fine. Of course, his parentals flipped when they kept talking about him not being there with us, but they just miss him. He wanted to spend time with some dudes and I am totally down for him doing that. We've spent a whole lotta time with each other this week. We actually had a lot of adventures without him. (Sorry, Calub.) We stopped at Andy Warhol's grave site because it's so close to their house and we met this crazy lady who encourages people to write notes to Andy Warhol and then she reads them to him. She really was cuckoo. And then we went to Primanti Bros and I had a hot sausage sandwich that I kind of liked everything except for the sausage in. I'm funny about sausage and I don't know what I was thinking ordering it. Got caught up in the moment, I guess. Anyway, Mr. & Mrs. K bought my dinner for the second time this week which was sooo very nice and I need to come up with an idea to repay them. Difficult, but I'm sure I'll think of something. Also, I got a balloon animal from Primanti because Mrs. K saw it and asked about it and I love that she's the kind of person to always ask strangers whatever she wants. I gotta take a picture of it because it's such a weird looking balloon animal. I bought a shirt from there too, and Calub's going to scoff so hard when he sees it. Haha.

I'm sure there's tons more to come even in the two days we have left.