A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Tuesday, July 1

adult stuff

I had to take my car to a collision center today to get an estimate on it from when a turkey attacked my hood. I was sitting in the lobby waiting on the guy to finish estimating and a wave of something washed over me and it struck me that I was doing a very adult thing and it felt weird. 
I am also going on a week long trip to Pittsburgh and I didn't even have to ask permission. I just told my parentals that I was going to go. Although, I never really asked permission before I became an adult so I guess that instance doesn't count. I'm very excited about the trip though. I hope to update this regularly that week so as to remember everything about the happenings. I did a terrible job documenting the Washington DC trip I went on a few years back. Anyway, doing grown up things but never feeling like a grown up is weird. It's like a privilege and also a detriment. Them's the breaks, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. it's funny that you posted about this because I was just thinking about it this morning...how we still think of ourselves as kiddos.
