A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Wednesday, July 11

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.


proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason,or pattern: the random selection of numbers.
Statistics of or characterizing a process of selection in which each item of a set has an equal probability of beingchosen.
Building Trades .
(of building materials) lacking uniformity of dimensions:random shingles.
(of ashlar) laid without continuous courses.
constructed or applied without regularity: random bond.
Informal .
unknown, unidentified, or out of place: A couple of random guys showed up at the party.
odd and unpredictable in an amusing way: my totally random life.
  1. I'm grumpy in the morning
  2. I have taken 5 semesters of Spanish & the only thing I remember is the USA's pledge of allegiance
  3. Never broken a bone
  4. I tend to arrive late
  5. I'm super obsessed with pop culture
  6. My hair is already turning gray
  7. Purple is my least favorite color
  8. I am approximately 145 lbs overweight
  9. I know how to read
  10. I would not classify myself as a religious person
  11. None of my "relationships" have lasted longer than 5 months
  12. I rarely remember to wear an apron, even though I love everything about aprons (They are pretty! They keep your clothes clean! When you wear one, it usually means there is food!)
  13. I like to argue, more importantly, I like to prove other people wrong
  14. I know how to ride a bicycle
  15. Sometimes I forget my wallet at home
  16. I have caused 3 car accidents
  17. I twirl my hair around my finger when I'm nervous or distracted
  18. I love to play Phase 10 and Uno
  19. My FAVORITE thing (& I like a lot of stuff so you can take that at face value) is when animal people go on talk shows because it just further proves that celebrities are idiots too
  20. I change my mind quite a bit, but who doesn't?

Best wishes,

1 comment:

  1. my roommate thinks he's really hot too. :P

    what does this mean?
    My FAVORITE thing (& I like a lot of stuff so you can take that at face value) is when animal people go on talk shows because it just further proves that celebrities are idiots too
