A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Friday, March 27

single and relationships

I went on this binge-a-thon of The School of Life youtube channel and they have this super long playlist on relationships. What I really like about the videos is that they portray a lot of opposing ideas. For example they have a video called "Reasons to Remain Single," which is kind of self explanatory, and conversely they have another video called, "Why It Probably Wasn't Better Being Single," which illuminates how our memories are unreliable.

The comments on the "Reasons to Remain Single" are incredibly sad. It feels like a bunch of broken people proclaiming boldly that they are unwilling to be vulnerable with another person. Lots of stating opinions as facts. Just exactly as I am doing right now. Ha.

It feels wild to me, to say something like, "I'll never get married." That seems like something you assess on a case-by-case basis in your personal life. Like maybe you don't marry that one person. Maybe you re-evaluate on a different person. I just don't understand such sweeping statements like that. I wouldn't even feel good about asserting that I'll never be a christian, even though I feel pretty strongly certain that I won't ever proclaim to be a christian. Also, it seems like people that say "never" are really into loopholes and that is very suspect. I don't know, is this just me being non-committal? Maybe. I just don't think that most things in life are binary so it doesn't make sense to say always or never.

I have a good friend that is pretty adamant on his stance that he'll never get married and whenever I ask him why, his reasons always suck. They're usually something like, "marriages are only beneficial to women; they'll just take half of everything you own" or "men have so much more to lose than women." They're just like the comments on that video. They're all so generalized, which makes them meaningless to me. If he said, "I don't ever want to get married because I'm scared," that would be so much more reasonable. I don't mind a strong stance, as long as the reason is good.

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