A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Monday, March 23


I'm trying to remember that I'm enough. Especially now that I don't have a daily purpose.  Or at least, what I thought was my daily purpose is temporarily paused. About a week ago, my days were guided by tasks that needed to get done. And now... no tasks seem very necessary. I have a to do list and each day I cross one thing off, but mostly my days are now filled with nothing-ness. I'm not sure what to do with myself when I'm not able to be in service of others. I've had a lot of time to think.

Why do I feel so inadequate? Is this my brain chemistry being off? Or is it something else I'm doing to make myself feel this way?

The action that seems to help the most is talking to loved ones. We don't even have to talk about this idea in particular, but the reassurance of people actually loving me is a pretty big relief.

There's so much good in life. There's so much good in my life. I have so much to be grateful about.

I bought a wellness package from a local yoga studio and they sent me this quote today. It seemed fitting.

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