A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Thursday, June 5

Marathoning Bob's Burgers

Is it unacceptable to wear pajama pants as gym pants? My grandmother recently bought me a slew of pajama pants and I only have one pair of gym type pants. It's really lame to have to wash a pair of pants every time I gotta go to the gym. And I have to wash them because I have a lot of thigh sweat so...

I love that question that people ask sometimes. Only 3 shows to watch for the rest of your life? So far I've just picked ER.

Tina from Bob's Burgers is me. I'm a little bit sad about that, but I'm also okay with it.

1 comment:

  1. I can let the show play on loop for days and never get tired of it. And the songs get stuck in my head. Often.

    And! In case you get tired of pajama pants, Old Navy has all their gym clothes on sale right now (they last a super long time) and Kohl's has some good prices right now too!
