A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Wednesday, October 23


That alarm clock app worked for 2 days and then I got used to it and now I can pretty much do the puzzles while I'm sleeping. I can't seem to find a way to wake myself up pleasantly and keep myself awake.

I was typing a paper for graphic design earlier and under one of the words was a green squiggly line indicating grammar error, I guess. When I right clicked, it said to use a semi-colon and not a comma. My question is this: How the hell does Word know that I need a semi-colon? Does it know all of the subjects and verbs and knows when there are 2 full sentences side by side? I guess that's not the craziest thing a computer can do, but I don't know. I just am not smarter than the computer today.

So on Tuesday my alarm from my phone went off in class. Why it was set for 9:30a on a weekday, I'll never know. But as punishment for disrupting class, the art department has this policy that you have to bring cookies when your phone goes off. My prof was super excited that this happened because, I mean, cookies. Anyway, there's only 11 people in that class so I asked what flavor they wanted and this guy said how about those delicious cookies from Zaxby's, but this other guy was like nah, they have chips ahoy on sale at Winn Dixie, just get those. BY THE WAY, the guy that said that used to play in a band with Derek Birdsong! Crazy. Of all the people, my next door neighbor played in a band with a guy in my photo class. Back to the cookies, there were a couple people that said homemade and this girl who I kind of consider a friend said m&m. Being the Suzy Homemaker that I am, I made homemade m&m ones.

 Now this makes me super nervous because now I have to hear judgement on them. Also, what if my most mortifying fear comes true and a classmate finds a hair in a cookie. I hope that it's highly unlikely because I tied my hair back and I even took a lint roller to my shirt and I also tried not to lean over the mix while I was mixing. I take so many precautions against that because I have found one too many of my dear mom's hairs in my food growing up and almost nothing makes my stomach turn faster. Sorry, mom!
I just hope they're edible. My grandmother tried one, but she's not going to say that they're gross to my face. I tried one too, but I'll eat anything. At least they look pretty!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Mainly your battle with keeping your hair away from the cookies. I don't think people realize that it's a real thing.
