I'm in a headspace right now where nothing is good or worth it, but I've had this post in the queue so I'm just gonna ship it anyway.
How Difficult Are You to Live With? How difficult am I to live with?
These are questions from that video series on relationships from The School of Life that I talked about in a previous post.
If I were a true investigative journalist, I would ask W and B/C what it's like to live with me, but I am just a regular human and I'm scared. I might ask. It's 9:37pm right now and that's too late for this line of questioning.
My answers are kind of formed in response to how I currently live with platonic housemates. I have no way of knowing what it might be like to live with me as a romantic partner. I'm sure it would be this times a trillion.
1. When I’m annoyed, I have a tendency to…
I get hella snarky when I'm annoyed. In an irritable and snide way. In a way that's snappy and cruel. I try really hard to hide my annoyance because I don't like to be on the receiving end of that treatment myself, and I don't want to put anyone through that.
2. When I feel hurt I…
When I'm hurt, I think I get whiny sometimes and other times I just go cold. I try to pretend like nothing is wrong. I used to think I was really good at it and my hurt was imperceptible.
3. When I’m tired I…
Typically, when I'm tired, I just get silly. If tiredness is in combination with menstruation, then I become uncontrollably weepy.
4. My friends could be a bit of a problem – in so far as…
That's hard to say. I surround myself with really excellent people. I don't really know what to say here. Most* of my friends get along with each other. The only problem I can see is that we can't hang out enough.
*I say most because, yes, not everybody gets along with each other, but they all get along with me and that's the important part.
5. Around money, I can be a bit difficult because…
I don't give a shit about the amount of money I have. I do not feel bad or good about the amount of money I have in my checking account.
I don't care how expensive something was. It's just a material possession. The amount of money that it took to acquire that thing has very little bearing on the value of that thing, to me. An expensive thing does not always equal a well made thing.
Money is a construct, and yet... a good friend told me one time that every dollar is a vote, and I agree with that. I try spend money on things that I value, like experiences and service. I'm also realizing that it bothers me when anyone judges me on how I'm spending my money.
In theory, valid points. He has a great point when he says, "Stop spending the majority of money that you make, and save it instead." But it's when he says, "rejecting the convenience of I sure could use a subscription box full of hot sauce samples every month" that he loses me. What if I'm happy to spend my money on that random shit? What if I want to cook at home and enjoy restaurants and bars? What if that's what I want to spend my money on? I think maybe I'm being too literal and he's trying to say that it's not that hard to pay attention and be intentional with your money. It's difficult to decipher that with all the mumbo jumbo surrounding it though. It seems like money management advice givers are giving advice to an imaginary audience of people that they think they want to be rich without consequence. Who wants to be a millionaire? Not me. Seems like a real crap shoot.
6. I guess I worry really quite a lot about…
I'm neurotic. I worry about plenty of deeply insignificant things. Like if someone cares.
I worry about meaning. What does that mean? What do you mean? What does it all mean?
7. I’m unusually obsessed by…
Well. I have a weird relationship with obsessions and so I try to rebel against them most of the time.
But in terms of communal living situations, I guess putting things back where they're "supposed" to go. It's super unsettling to me if things aren't in the agreed upon location. And it's not like I'm annoyed or upset when things aren't in their place - I just put the thing back. I don't have any expectations that someone else should be putting something back, instead of me - I just put the thing back. Also, I've never understood the thing that some people do with dishes where they only wash the dishes they used. It's not efficient to leave dishes if you're already there washing dishes or whatever. I can understand only doing the amount that time allows for, but like intentionally leaving certain dishes because they're "not yours" doesn't make sense to me.
8. I’ve got some routines which I guess can be difficult…
Probably my lack of routine is difficult. I generally fly by the seat of my pants. If you communicate with me, I'll plan around anything. But if you expect me to have a reliable routine, that just won't happen.