A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Saturday, March 26

bear ass but not bare ass

It has been so nice waking up at 11am every day this week. I spent some time visiting Smells in Clarksville this week. While she was at work, I spent my time running errands. I went to the Clarksville public library on Monday to do some bear research. I was pleased to find that they had a ton of art on display. They had this awesome quilt.

Look at that delicious type!

Also, look at this cute bear I found while doing research.

Also, I had a good hair day while I was in Clarksville. Face is questionable.


  1. cool quilt.

    is that bear doing yoga? is he a yogi...bear?

    1. I can't believe I'm just now seeing this pun. This is the best.
