A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Friday, May 1

Day 3 in CO: "It's an epidemic around here."

Thursday, 4/30/2015

As I'm typing this, my body thinks it's fending off some sort of debilitating virus, but probably my body just does not understand how to react to the thin air in Colorado. Nose running/stopped. Throat dry and scratchy. I'm going to be really whiny if this keeps up.

Today, we prepared for Age of Ultron by watching Thor 2 and Winter Soldier. I am super glad we watched Winter Soldier because I hadn't gotten around to watching that one yet. A+.

We met up with an old friend at the theater and I talked to her only the smallest amount. I really wish all theaters had that pick your seats feature because then we wouldn't have had to sit on the third row. It was okay though. I had decided within the first 10 minutes that I was definitely going to have to watch it again and I feel like I would've come to that conclusion anywhere we sat. J and C so graciously brought KG and I Panda Express that we then snuck into the theater to eat. I forgot to take a picture of it. Go to PE and get and orange chicken and noodle bowl. That's what it looked like.
The screen at the theater was curved, which was different. It was cool.

This looked like a cool graffiti to me, but I really don't think that's what it is.

So excite.

Age of Ultron was great and I can't wait to watch it again.

Oh my god I almost forgot! When KG came to wake me up this morning she hopped onto the very end of the air mattress and accidentally flipped off into the floor. Hilarity is the absolute best way to wake up.

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