A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Friday, October 26


I'm not a great writer. I don't claim to be. That's probably why only 5 (if that) people read my blog. I'm bringing this up because I had to take JSU's English Competency Exam on Wednesday. It's required, unfortunately. I will be deeply, deeply surprised if I pass, and to be honest a little disappointed. If I pass, that means the standards that these English teachers are holding JSU students to are ridiculously low. Maybe they don't focus so much on content. I'll surely pass then. Cause I've got grammar on lock. Probably. "Daddy don't mess up on syntax." Dr. G said this Wednesday and it was weird and adorable. He has small children who probably call him 'daddy' so I guess it's okay. If he did not, then I would be less forgiving of his use of  'daddy' in third person.

Here is an enthralling conversation that I had with an anonymous person through my cellular device...
Texter: Why you tell me to find somebody to do it
Me: What?
Texter: You know baby
Me: Maybe you have the wrong number?

You know how I know that this person is a stranger? Because this person is just so awesome with words & I can't think of anybody that I know in real life who is that awesome with words.
Also, see how they used "baby"? I don't get called baby very often. Surprising, I know.
I'm really curious about the subject of the text message. Why did I tell them to find somebody to do it? What is that somebody going to do? My mind automatically assumes a sex thing. How could you expect anything less from me?

Here's a vidya my grandmother made of balloons because she didn't realize it was on video mode.


  1. Your blog is funny, I only started reading it like 5 minutes ago when I was searching through my Pinterest followers to see if any of them write blogs, and you do,so here I am!

    I'm sure more people would read it if they could follow you, but I can't seem to find the follow button.

    Good blog anyway :)
