He was a gambler.
I'm having a hard time getting into the mindset of programming this weekend. I want to finish these 2 programs so badly, but I have a hard time naming the stupid variables. I keep wanting to name them Thing1, Thing2, Thing3, etc. Which is completely not what they should be named. I wonder how long it took Dr. G to be able to write code from memory. Because it seems like it would take FOREVER. I've been trying for 3 months to remember code & all I can remember is modulus. Referencing constantly is such a pain in the ass. MJ makes fun of me all the time because I want to just know things. I don't want to have to practice it & practice it before I can know it. That's why I like trivia so much, I think. You can't practice trivia. You either know it or you don't. I mean, I guess there could be some practicing involved like with flash cards or whatever, but all the people I know who are good at trivia, don't look at flashcards. They just know the fact because they heard it somewhere at some place and it stuck in their head. Why didn't "God" give me a photogenic memory? I would put it to such good use. I wouldn't even be snooty about having one either, I would be totally humble about it.
I love this posting. :)