A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Friday, February 24

Today was a very interesting day

Dr. P told us about the books of the bible that were deleted. I am so intrigued by these. And of the 3 Christian people I've told about it, none have heard of this. Which I also find very interesting. Are some churches choosing to remain ignorant about this, or is it something else? I must do more research on this.

Dr. G spent the day talking about algorithms and then immediately after I got into my car, my radio said something like alt nation is algorithm free listening enjoyment or something to that effect. I'm total shit at remembering things word for word. The important part is that they said algorithm!

When I came home, there was nobody at the house, which is super nice to have the house to yourself sometimes.

I came home to a new pair of shoes! :)

They're Toms. Now I feel like I've finally gained entry to this imaginary, only in my head pretentious club. Pretentious is probably one of my favorite words.

I have found my new favorite drink. 
It's lemonade mixed with a few tablespoons of cherry juice and 2 maraschino cherries. It's so pretty too.

I went to MJ's apartment after that, to spend time with her & her lovely roommate & to buy them food. So MJ & I hopped in the car to get Chinese take-out. I decided I would go in & order and she could just sit in the car because she wasn't exactly dressed for being in public. It turns out I left my headlights on for too long. The battery died & I had to call my Papaw for him to bring the jumper cables.  It was only like eight, but that's still pretty late for him to be out & about. I'm super lucky to have him. He wasn't even upset.

Then we went to the apartment & finally ate our supper & watched that annoying Nancy Grace talk about the little girl who was abused to death in Attalla.

More exciting than usual, but not too exciting. Just the way I like it.

EDIT: (1:10a)  Oh I almost forgot another cool thing. I did a facebook poll today & a surprising number of people responded. I think it has something to do with the fact that I manually asked people to participate & it gave them a notification. Really though, I was surprised that so many friends & strangers commented on the question. I didn't find any conclusive evidence one way or the other, but it made me smile & that's all that matters.

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