A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Tuesday, November 15


My Grandmother passive aggressively let me know that she didn't like for me to wake up late. She stomped back to my room, swung open the door & flipped on the light. I abruptly opened my eyes an my Grandmother said sweetly, "Oh I'm sorry," then she looks at the clock and realizes what time it is and not so sweetly says, "Wake up."   I deserved it. But now I think I'll have to suffer through a discussion about it.
Second, and most importantly, I honestly have no motivation to wake up in the morning. Not saying that I'm mega depressed and I don't want to wake up ever, I'm saying that about noon is a much better time to wake up.
Third, and also most importantly, why can't English teachers just care less? I don't want thoughtful emails from you telling me I still need to turn shit in! I thought I was in college! They began scaring us in middle school about college, & I'm a little disappointed to find out that they were bullshitting me & there are still teachers in college who care! It's because I always make eye contact and nod, no matter how boring the lectures. The teachers think I care!
I do care. But sometimes I don't.

Side note: "Firstly" does not even look like a word. Google says it is though. It looks like a two year old trying to say "thirsty."

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