A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Friday, October 14

Is it time to go home yet?

I got to go on an adventure today. One of the student workers that works in the IT department had to go to the girls dorm to try to fix some people's internet & obviously the university can't let him go alone. His first and second choice must have been busy because this is the first time since I've been a student worker that I'd ever had to go. He was mega polite & kinda cute in a nerdy way. We rode over to 2 of the girls dorms in a mule, which is like a high speed go-cart. He needed to go to 3 rooms, but only one of the girls was home so he tried to fix just one girl's internet. The girl that needed her internet fixed asked him if he was a computer major since he fixes internet & he said no he's a history major, but after that he is going to seminary. After that, I'm thinking the whole time "Damn he is adorable. Too bad he's going to seminary school to become a preacher." That tells you how religious I am. Aw & the poor guy was like, "You know what sucks about having to do this? I'm color blind and I can't tell the difference between the green wire and the yellow wire." Then of course he asked me to tell him if that wire was the yellow wire. (:

•Day 23: A book you’ve been reading.

I got this free book in the mail last week from Goodreads.com called Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor. I watch the show & everything so I thought the book would be cool, too. Holy shit it was so fucked up. I mean, I read the whole thing in 2 days. It kept my attention, but now I kinda want to get rid of the book so I don't have to look at the cover all the time & constantly remember what it's about. It's a massively depressing zombie story. 

That time when the Doctor gets Rory the car he's always wanted.

Amy: Don't tell me, this isn't Earth, that isn't a real house, and inside lives a goblin who feeds on indecision.
The Doctor: Nope. Real Earth. Real house. Real door keys.
Amy: You're not serious.
Rory: The car too? But that's my favorite car. How did you know that was my favorite car?
The Doctor: You showed me a picture once, said "That's my favorite car."
Amy: Rory, we can't accept this.
Rory: She'll say that we can't accept it because it's too expensive, and we'll always feel a crippling sense of obligation. {looks at the car} It's a risk I'm willing to take.

I'm not entirely positive on what a knit-a-long is, but if it's anything like I think it is, I wouldn't like it.

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