A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Sunday, June 7

Week 1 of 100 days

If you've been following along on my instagram, you'd know that I've been willingly participating in a form of self-imposed monotony. My summer class professor brought up the idea during the last week of class, that we should all do it. The 100 day project. It wouldn't be the actual one because that one started in April. So I decided I would do it. I gave myself until June 1st to think of something to do and then start.
I've begun to really respect the self control it takes to do something everyday. It's really hard. It sucks. But I'm doing it. I'm going to do it as long as I can. It's about the process, not the finished product. As I was deciding on a topic, I found that I really liked the projects that were pretty specific and kind of had a string of connection the whole way through. I wanted to do something that was specific, but the idea of doing something in the same style for 100 days feels so daunting right now. Maybe for the next 100. I decided to give myself the parameters of a 4.125" x 6" canvas and it's gotta say happy birthday somehow. I like switching from digital to analog and back again & I wanted to make sure I built in that flexibility into my prompt.
I really am drawn to this project because I like that I can do whatever the hell I want. I can put shitty type with shitty colors and be done. I'm very excited about that freedom. I like that it's actual "art" that isn't school related at all.

And now onto the outtakes from this week!

Day One-
I finished this one at about 11:30pm on June 1. If I hadn't already decided that I was going to follow the rules on this one, I'd probably have done it over and made the dots more even. I've got to take a better picture of this though. I discovered that when it gets dark, my room is horrible for photography. Plus I suck at photographs. I'm hoping this project forces me to get better.

Day Two-
I had this idea about spray paint and stencils. The finished postcard is definitely not how I envisioned my idea. It's okay.

Day Three-
I really need to figure out how to do this 100 days thing while still working on other creative projects that I'd like to get done over the summer. I've been spending a ton of time daydreaming about how I'll say happy birthday next. Too much time, I'd say. I saw a friend of mine this day & she said she thought I picked the perfect major for myself, which I thought was really cool of her to say.

Day Four-
It took me a long time to do the highlighter background so when I messed up on the lettering, I didn't really want to bother to re-do it.

Day Five-
DOUGHNUTS. It was national donut day plus I love doughnuts. I had to go along with the occasion. Putting the sprinkles on there took forever and it didn't even look that great. But hey, I tried. I put the sprinkles on there and took these photos, then I went to staples to get them printed on 100lb paper. I cut them to 4.125x6 and then I took another picture of the physical postcard for instagram.

Day Six-
So this was the first card where I had a person in mind like I was making it for them, instead of just a vague idea to go by. I really like how it turned out compared to the others. It makes sense because they always tell us in GD classes to design for your audience.  I roped my father into helping me take a photo. He said, "You're nuts."

Day Seven-
I must admit that this one was done a few days in advance. I bought some candies last Thursday and then I arranged them and photographed them. I got the card printed today at Office Max. For Future Reference: I've got to remember to tell the person I'm printing from to not scale the pdf.

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