A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Saturday, January 2


Things for 2016

  • accomplish some long standing items from my to do lists
  • handwritten journal/log EVERY DAY in a fucking diary
  • get all my lists together in one place
  • send a really nice letter to someone every month
  • blog more
  • read more
  • save more $
  • exercise
  • remember to do things like car maintenance stuff and normal adult things
  • do some adventurous things

That's a good start, at least.

I'm going back and forth between whether or not I should carry around a combined journal/sketchbook or if I should get a separate sketchbook for carrying around. It feels too dangerous to carry around a journal because no matter how hard I try to keep it clinical, I always get cringe-y and personal. Or maybe I should just make a bunch of mini sketchbooks to carry around and then I could just cut them up and stick them into a larger sketchbook later. I really need to have something to carry around, whatever size it is. I gotta have something to catch ideas on the fly, and to hold things I've stolen for learning. I feel like it would be easier for most to have a combination sketchbook/journal, but I already know like that will totally not work for me. I think I'll start with the minis for a few months and then work up to carrying around a bigger one.