A blog cultivated by Annabelle Barrow & she's kind of embarrassed about it, but not enough to stop posting and delete the thing.

Sunday, April 28


As a self-proclaimed anglophile, (I haven't been like, diagnosed or anything), I keep coming across this thing that happens to me. I don't know if it's just my personality or if it's something that Americans who consume massive amounts of culture from across the pond do or what. I don't do this when I watch "The Jersey Shore." Okay that's a terrible example because I've never watched the Jersey Shore. It didn't happen to me when I watched Fargo. But when I watch something where a person has an accent from the UK, my thoughts become like their accent. I wouldn't dare let a peep of it come out of my mouth though. I'm pretty sure that's frowned upon. Although, having a Southern accent, I totally don't mind people trying to do a southern accent at me. So I don't know, maybe it's just the social connotation that's weird.
Here are some people who have accents very different from my own and I thoroughly enjoy watching them:
Hi, it's me, Jimmy. How are ya?
Liam Dryden
Caspar Lee
Thomas Rees - Kaye
Jack Harries & sometimes Finn

Wednesday, April 24

Pants on fire

I went home this past weekend and stayed a few days and while I was there I discovered that the second season of Upstairs Downstairs is on Prime so I was watching a few episodes and my dad pipes up, "Are you watching that Dalton Abbey?"

Recently, everyone's favorite question for me is, how much longer do you have left? Truthfully, I don't know because I haven't actually calculated how many classes I have left. I should really figure that out. But since I'm a liar, I've been telling people that I have 3 semesters left. Wouldn't that be nice if it were less than that?

Frozen Strawberry Peach Margarita
Serves 4 (Or 1 person, 4 times)
15-10  frozen strawberries
2 peaches,  peeled and chopped
4 ounces tequila
1 cup crushed ice
12 ounces sparkling water
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Friday, April 12

Friday. My second favorite F word.

I'm obsessed with this video. Besides the fact that Mac Miller is adorable as shit, there's this part in the video where he's taking out the trash and there's this blue door that takes him to this other place. Like the Tardis. I mean, I think he's referencing his blue slide park and not Dr Who, but still. I like it.

Also, I love that line in the song where he's like "I ain't no hipster, but Girl, I can make your hips stir." I just want to date somebody that's that clever.

Monday, April 1

I'm about to fully endorse

http://www.irfanview.com/   ||||||It's fo' free!||||||

I've been using this for seems like forever for just basic photo editing and viewing and I just now found out that it batch renames photos! It's the best thing I've discovered all year. I'm trying to organize all my shit so I can find things without having to go one by one and I was thinking I would have to download a whole new program and learn how to use it to batch rename. Turns out I already had what I needed all along.
This site is what I used to figure out how to rename through Irfanview.

I have to admit though, I hate the name of this stupid program because I always misspell it on the first try.