Some days I crave praise and attention. Like on one of those days, I'll get a compliment & be like Fuck yeah I'm awesome. Other days I'm like, Fuck you what do you know about me. I hope everybody's like that & it's not just me. I'm feeling pretty shitty right now. For no reason, too. Because I had a pretty excellent day. Mostly.
I am the most awkward though. I can't even discuss the details on this blog because I'm so embarrassed.
Rosh, it involves AJ, of all people. Bah.
I'm trying to keep my shit together for the last few weeks of class, but I'm scared I might fail my CS class so obviously I'm not doing anything to prevent that. Just going to stress about it until it actually happens. I never practice like I should. Isn't that weird how that's the only class I care about & it's the class I try the least in. WTF.
MS gave me this little nugget of wisdom that I really like, "I can see why you like him still, but you do need to be careful. School and work come first." It's plainly obvious what she's referring to, the fact that I'm being stupid & needy over a dude. That's why I love her though. We keep each other sane.
This is what I'm most afraid of:
You know how on most laptops, there's a little scrolly thing that lets you scroll? Mine has all of a sudden discontinued working. Oh wait, it works now.
I just want to say that Calub is still my superhero. I want to go where he is. I would get on a plane tomorrow if I didn't only have $17 in my checking account.
My tooth hurts so goddamn bad. I think the tooth I had a root canal on, fucked up the position of the tooth behind it & now it's all out of whack in there.